Kaitlyn Langstaff is a nine year old girl who suffers from Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, a severe form of Stevens Johnson Syndrome. Kaitlyn writes inspirational poetry. Her poem “I Am the Same Inside” was made into a song.
I Am the Same Inside
I am the same inside, As some people can see. But some people think I’m weird Because they don’t look inside of me.
I am the same inside. That’s what I want people to know. So I’m going to start Letting it show.
I am the same inside. I’m not dumb in any way. I just want to be like A normal kid and play.
I am the same inside, Just like a normal kid. And I want to let everybody know, This is what I did.
Copyright 2002 Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff
I Am Truly Thankful
I am truly thankful, For the earth, the stars and the moon. And for music, And its tune.
I am truly thankful, For friends who played with me. All through this awful tragedy.
I am truly thankful, For the home I sleep in, And the food, That gives me good nutrition.
I am truly thankful, For my family and the times we share. And for all my doctors, That gave me good hospital care.
I am truly thankful for God, Because when I’m praying he’s listening to me. And on this Thanksgiving Day, I pray that peaceful is what the world will be.
11/02 Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff
I Hate the Doctor
I hate the doctor It is a yucky place. The eye doctor shines lights In your face.
I hate the doctor, it is boring in every way. The ENT talks to my Mom and Dad, and I have to stay.
I hate the doctor, I have a lot more. But they are so bad, them I’ll ignore.
11/12/02 Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff
My Dad promised me a puppy, But I got her instead. We rescued her from the street, And now she is safe and well fed.
Her name is Tes, We call her Tessie. And we don’t care, If she is messy.
We love her so, And we will never, Ever let her go.
11/02 Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff
My Life
My life has caused me problems and doubts, And it sometimes put my face in the pouts.
But my life gave me some laughs and smiles, And makes me believe I can run for miles.
In the last couple of years my life turned upside down, But, just because I’m blind, can’t speak or have a trach, Doesn’t mean I have to frown.
I believe all my wishes will come true, And I won’t be so sad and blue.
1/30/03 Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff
Steven Johnson Sindrum
Dear Mr. Steven Johnson Sindrum, Roses are red Violets are blue I am really mad at you. For giving me a trach, Also making me blind and mute, I don’t think you’re very cute. You’re as ugly as heck, You smell like Shreck and, I hope this poem gives a clue to you!
2/14/03 Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff
My Brain
This is my brain moving around inside my head, Each line stands for something I know.
2/18/03 Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff
Life in the Hospital
I am walking through the long dark white hallways in the hospital. Lights are flashing, Beepers and alarms and buzzers are going off every second. You can hear screaming and crying from the emergency room. People’s lives could be lost in any room at any second. Nurses and doctors are discussing patients. Parents are crying and wondering “why me, why did my kid have to get sick?” And poor sick kids are sleeping with un-normal insides. Sickness is rolling around them messing them up. And they wonder, “Will I wake up in the morning or is this my last night to sleep?”
2/28/03 Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff
Destiny is the dream of your future, Destiny is your life you wish to live Destiny is what we want to give.
When you wish upon a star, for something near and far, You start thinking your wish won’t come true, But really they do ‘cause of
Destiny is the dream of your future, Destiny is your life you wish to live Destiny is what we want to give.
It’s all up to you, You can choose your life’s dreams and wishes if you want to I can help you make them come true Believe in your
Destiny is the dream of your future, Destiny is your life you wish to live Destiny is what we want to give.
When you think it’s gonna end Come to me my friend and make another wish on a shooting star and run across a rainbow into your
Destiny is the dream of your future, Destiny is your life you wish to live Destiny is what we want to give.
Kaitlyn Langstaff March 2, 2003
The Big, Beautiful Pine Tree
I start out as a seed. Then I start to grow into a big, beautiful pine tree. Then one day a man needs some wood so he chops down my beautiful tree. Smak! Over time the roots start to crumble, but then Spring comes and shows the roots that they can grow again. And over time the big beautiful pine tree comes back to nature’s life.
Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff March 9, 2003
Happy Feelings
Happy feelings is when I think about angels and God, When I know that everything is going to be O.K. with my health.
Happy is when I’m playing with my dogs, my stuffed animals or my friends.
I am happy when me or someone I know wins a competition at something they’ve been working hard at. When I go outside and feel the fresh air on my face, smelling the flowers, imaging how pretty they are, and listening to to whatever is around me.
A year ago I thought that you had to be perfectly healthy to be happy, but now I know that is defiantly a lie.
Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff March 9, 2003
Fears and thoughts running through my mind. Rolling through the place, the setting where my tragedy started. Everybody knows this will be challenging, but I’ll show them I can stick it out. Sleeping and dreaming about my sister, me and my past, my destiny. Not believing, yes not believing anything can happen to me. Oh my word I’m actually going to do this!
Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff 3/11/03
Happy St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2003
I Search
I searched across the seven seas, Through all the fields and valleys.
I searched high and low on mountains and hills. I went to every continent, and searched every inch of them.
But, I still have a long way of life to reach you. Thank you for my strength.
Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff 3/23/03
Shouting out cheers - 2, 4, 6, 8. Opening Day is tomorrow and I can’t wait. French fries at the snack shack with ketchup, chili and cheese. Tall, short, big or small, to play softball just smile and say please. Balls, bats, bases and a mitt. Anyone can play if they never quit! Losing or winning it’s a great activity. Learning softball is something extra to me!
(Written for Campbell Bobby Sox Opening Day) Kaitlyn Langstaff 3/21/03
Me Being Tortured By Kaitlyn Langstaff 3/26,03
Touch is the Sense of Love
I’m scared, You hold me.
I cry, You hold me close.
I’m hurt, You hold me closer.
Touch is the sense of love.
Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff 4/6/03
We ate pizza and brownies and ice cream. All we did was scream. We watched a ton of DVDs. And never had to say, “Please.” We had face masks. Party, party - it’s no task!
Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff 4/6/03
I Am a Survivor
I am a survivor I am a hero some people say. I’m an inspiration, but I think I’m the same old me, even though people know me across the nation. I don’t want to be famous. I don’t want people all around the world to know who I am. My life, my story. I just want to wake up and not be such a glory.
Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff 5/15/03
Faithful Father
Faithful father, Tall, brave and strong. Faithful father To him I belong. It was then he cried, when I almost died. Faithful father My life I depend on you.
Kaitlyn Sierra Langstaff 6/6/03
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